It's that crazy time of year again. You know, the end of year crazy.
This year has been compounded by a wedding. As matron-of-honour (please please let me still fit in the dress!), I am throwing the bride-to-be a bridal shower high tea. I've spent much of my waking kid-free hours sewing and making stuff. It would have been a much grander craftier affair had the following not occurred:
1. Amelia developed tonsillitis.
2. Shelf from cupboard I was moving fell on my toe resulting in god-almighty cry, blood, almost passing out, nausea from shock, swelling, bruising and hobbling.
3. Zach developed tonsillitis.
All in that order.
So, bridal shower is now much less of a crafty affair. I've made the colour coordinated cloth napkins (all 50 of them, mitered corner and all. I used the tutorial
here) but just can't bring myself to doing the next step which was to embroider a quote on it. I have the tea cups but have lost the strength to continue on with the water slide decal. It's amazing how much a sore toe can impact on every aspect of your life! Big BUMMER! But I'm sure the high tea will be fun which is important. I did make the mandatory hen's night veil. Full of tulle, flowers and feathers. I'll show pics later once the celebrations are over.
I did want to share with you the matching dresses I made for Amelia and her cousin, Emily. These dresses are really easy peasy with the smocked material you can get in your textile supply shops. I'll put together a tutorial soon.

Enjoy the rest of November and try not to stare at the unshaven men around. Support