I am talking about that tutorial I promised in this previous post for the pretty little dresses Amelia and Emily were wearing.

1. Rush to cloth shop to buy pre-smocked material. Beware there are so many choices. Be steadfast and pick one that jumps out at you and escape the shop before you get distracted by other potential craft projects that you really don't have time for.

2. Instead of struggling with a wriggly toddler, measure off one of her dresses.
3. Remember to add 1/2" seam allowance. Because I don't have a serger or a overlocker, I often sew french seams to ensure a neat finish. This is how you do it.

4. For bottom hem, turn under 1/4". Press and then turn another 1/4", press and top stitch. I added a decorative stitch at the bottom hem for some interest.

5. Cut lengths of material to sew ties for the dress. As I was making a halter sundress, I cut two lengths of material and made two strips as ties and attached them to the top of the dress.

4. Add some buttons, if time permits.

AND voila, done! To save time, create two dresses at once for efficiency and double the cuteness.

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