Monday, July 27, 2009

Extraordinary Mondays - Resonating tune

Currently, this song really resonates with me.

I have a larger than life husband who absolutely adores me. He is the only one who willingly puts up with all my eccentricities and faults. He is also the only one who will ever think of my jelly belly as a symbol of the sacrifice I made for our kids.

I have my two lovely babies who love me with their entire little beings and have hugs and kisses for me everyday no matter how crabby I have been with them.

I have an extended family that surrounds me with love and support. My parents and my in-laws look after me in all the ways a girl like me needs.

I have friends who are oh so dear to me who have journeyed with me through my ups and downs (and still think that I'm not a looney tune) and who I know will drop everything to be there for me if I ever needed them.

Honestly, what more could a girl ask for? God has blessed me and continues to bless me.

I really do like the video too, clowns (scary) and all.

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