A colleague has asked if I would like to join her in putting some wares together for a stall in the fortnightly market in Dunsborough in December. I've been umming and ahhing about it since she made the offer. My head has been filled with things to make the minute she asked me and it has been utterly distracting! I could make little rainclouds. What about fluffy ballerina skirts complete with tulle underskirt? Or simple black and white printed boys' Ts? Or...or...quick little softies?
I'm hesistant because I'm in the middle of making bee softies for my sister-in-law's engagement party. These bee softies are to be her helium balloon weights. I don't know if I have the energy to make all the things I want to make for the stall after making these bees!

I better quickly make up my mind because if I am going to go ahead and join in the stall, I'm going to have very late weeknights and full weekends.
Do it! Let me know if you want me to make you some plastic noses. x